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The benefits of additional office space

In April 2018, the Magnum Consulting team moved to their new office space located in Novi, Michigan. When Bob Michalak was first hired in 2015, Magnum operated in a small office space on Haggerty Road in Farmington Hills. According to Bob, "The old office was nice, but I never realized how limited we were for space." With the extra space, Magnum has been able to grow and add even more experienced staff. This, in turn, has led to the team "tackling larger projects more often than ever before."

The staff can experience the benefits of more space, a larger conference room, kitchen area, and plenty of natural lighting. "The move has allowed us to expand. It also allows me to provide better work. I can focus on my main area of expertise (3D AutoCAD Design) rather than bouncing around in all areas."


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